About Us

Welcome to the about page.

Here is some information about our company and mission.

Our Vision and Mission

At VOTON, we're on a mission to revolutionize the world of philanthropy through cutting-edge technology. Our team is comprised of visionaries, developers, and marketers united by a shared passion for creating positive change on a global scale.

Our flagship product is a groundbreaking platform that harnesses the power of blockchain to bring unparalleled transparency, efficiency and trust to charitable giving and crowdfunding. By leveraging cryptocurrency and smart contracts, we aim to disrupt the traditional charity model and empower donors to make a real difference.

Our vision is ambitious but achievable: to make generosity a part of everyday life. We're harnessing new technologies to break down traditional barriers to giving, making it effortless for anyone, anywhere, to support causes they care about. Through VOTON, we're putting the power of philanthropy into everyone's hands, and rewarding them for participating. We believe that when giving becomes second nature, we can truly change the world.


The VOTON team combines expertise from finance, technology, and marketing. Key members bring experience from top financial institutions in asset management and global markets. Our tech team specializes in blockchain, smart contracts, and cyber security.

If you need more, head over to our FAQ to learn more.